What We Could Be Talking About…

Topics in Bloom this April 13, 2021

Leah Gillis
The Eye News


Because news should be about more than just what guys in suits at big corporations say and want discussed…

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

’Twant me, ’twas the Lord. I always told him, “I trust to you. I don’t know where to go or what to do, but I expect you to lead me,” and he always did. — Harriet Tubman

I know religion is a sticky subject. Generally I prefer to avoid it as it tends to make people rigid and defensive, but spirituality, faith, connection and discussions of insight and intuition and inner knowing are it.

I love when amazing people share their source of strength and wisdom. I find it inspiring, a look into how did they do the amazing super human things they did. If we look more at those sources maybe we can each find our own? It’s nice to think about anyway…

So let’s talk about the following news you may have missed, starting with some inspiration…

1)Above all, don’t fear the difficult moments. The best comes from them. — Rita Levi-Montalcini, (1909–2012) the Nobel winning neuroembryologyst (1986) grew up Fascist Italy a Jewish woman, raised by a father who wasn’t for educating women.

I never heard about Rita Levi-Montalcini before today but I should have #morewomenineducationplease. We all need to know this amazing, trailblazing woman’s name and story no matter what you study.

I should thank Mussolini for having declared me to be of an inferior race. This led me to the joy of working, not any more unfortunately in university institutes, but in a bedroom.

In 2006, at the age of 97, she held the deciding vote in the Italian parliament in a budget dispute. She threatened to withdraw her support unless the government reversed its decision to cut science funding. The funding was put back in and the budget passed, despite the opposition’s attempts to silence her by mocking her age. Or maybe it was because of those attempts. To Levi-Montalcini, obstacles were motivating.” — the Nobel website


2)First off, have you seen The Serpent on Netflix?

If not do! And holy crap it’s true. It’s the story of a horrible serial killer in the 70s and his accomplices, and it’s well told and engaging AF.

Takeaway: People are amazing. And if you needed a reminder that doing the right thing is not popular with authority as you’re doing it — dang those patriarchy structures worldwide — here’s your reminder to keep at it. It is so worthy. Sure it’s a series about evil, yes, but also about the so much good in us that fights it. Watch. And let’s discuss on IG!

(and first up is talking about the wife character who says she was relegated to support in the show when she wasn’t IRL. We see you Angela and you are awesome!)

3) If you missed it. Re: “not all men”. The OpEd of the week.


4) Forget Acid Rain, apparently plastic rain is the new acid rain. WTF.

Plastic Is Falling From the Sky. But Where’s It Coming From?

Matt Simon in Wired with a really good and alarming piece.

Can people stop now? Can we start treating the planet and each other with respect now?

Speaking of that…


Neil deG Tyson tweeted a mouthy, old fashioned patriarchy POV that Steak Umm — yep, that’s right! — cleverly responded to in a way that made me smile.

Words matter and when scientists or others forget it’s good to remind them. Enter Steak Umm. Dudes like NdT forget their hype, oddly ignoring the fact that in a minute or two their work will become obselete by another scientist finding something newer…It’s like they forget how it all works.

“The good thing about Science is that it’s true, whether or not you believe in it.” — NdT

And really, can’t he and others just stop with the “fuck your feelings” as a wiseass power move? It’s not it. You play yourself. Cold is not cool. Haughty is not wise.

Meanwhile I think science does care about people’s feelings. That’s why it will drop a MF with new info to boot the old.

Meanwhile, whatever happened to investigations that this mad scientist harassed three women? Check out the following from his assistant on Cosmos to NPR in 2018:

“Later, as she was leaving, she says Tyson said he wanted to show her a Native American handshake that involved feeling each other’s pulses and staring into each other’s eyes to make a spiritual connection. Watson says she did this for about 10 seconds but was extremely uncomfortable and says she thought to herself, “You’re supposed to be very smart, why can’t you pick up that I don’t want to touch you right now?”

She also says he put both hands on her shoulders and told her that he wanted to hug her badly, but if he did, then he would just want more. Watson says she was shaken by the interaction but felt like she needed references and recommendations so she planned on just working the last few days of the Cosmos filming.

The next night, however, in the car, she says that Tyson told her that she was too “distracting” to work as a producer. She was so angered by this that the next day she quit and told one of the show’s producers why. He asked whether she wanted to file a formal complaint. “I just didn’t want to make a fuss,” Watson says. Instead, they agreed that she would explain her abrupt departure by saying she had a family emergency.”

6) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist Series on Netflix Has New Information

Sure, I am a Bostonian and love all things my hometown. And yes, I do cover crime and love art, but the reason I care so much about this story is that this museum changed my life, Isabella was the bomb, and these lowlife losers have taken away gems that are for humanity. This I cannot abide.

Plus, I can actually channel Renee Russo in The Thomas Crown Affair and who doesnt want to end up with solving the crime AND Steve McQueen (yes I combined versions calm down.)

7) Looted Roman Sculpture is Found in a Most Amazing Way

My summation: Lol so an off duty Italian art theft team in Belgium stumbles upon a stolen piece in an antiques shop. The lol because really? I believe in serendipity and magic but lots of coincidences and the location and topic make me go hmmm.

When the parts involve an out of town art theft squad just happening to wander in a Belgian town and just happening to spot a piece in an antiques shop and just happening to get a feeling and just happening to be right I’m like mmhmmm..

But glad the piece got returned.

8)Ancient Cave Painters May Have Experienced Hallucinations, Study Finds

It sounds wacky but it’s not what you think.

9) Medical expert says George Floyd’s death was ‘absolutely preventable’

We can title this: No shit, Sherlock.

That was an actual headline on Twitter because that was actual testimony.

Anyone else think our system is broken since we saw a man killing another man but we dont know if he will be found guilty and be taken out of circulation?

Only from the minds of the patriarchy comes such insane systems…

10) US troops to leave Afghanistan by Sept 11, per Biden. It’s the 20th anniversary of what started it.

Do Bush/Cheney/Rice and co sleep restfully at night? So many deaths, so much destruction, so many lies, and for what. A 20 year war that ended with…oh yeah thats right just unending war. It’s almost like war was the business and not peace or fighting back #sideeye

#ohiamnotlettingitgo I was in 30 Rock that Sept 11th morning and also covered the Bush/Gore recount. We haven’t set those records straight. It’s how we got to Trump. It’s part of what we need to correct.

11) Cop, police chief resign 2 days after Black motorist’s death, AP.

I mean it’s a start but then these folks are now out in our society being all unconscious bias racist (I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt) and recently fired and exposed and so that’s not ok either. We’ve got to deal with the isms. We can’t just fire people and be like welp thats it. After all that’s what got us here in society. #patriarchyfailsagain

12) The tape of a black army lieutenant being assaulted and threatened by cops that everyone is upset about happened in December. DECEMBER. No action was taken by the bosses until it went viral.

Unacceptable. So how many need to lose their jobs there? And again, we can’t just say case closed cuz we need to deal with the isms and hatred as those people are in our world.

Guess we really do need to look at every video and monitor every officer cuz they aren’t doing their jobs and neither are bosses.

Do recall that the modern day police started as a way to catch runaway slaves.

It — along with our legal system and govt — needs a whole redo. We all know it so who is gonna start doing it? Biden, you on this?

You know that saying, you can’t plant an orange tree and expect lemons to grow… That.

13) France to ban many local short haul flights to curb emissions.

Well, the trains are nice so there’s that. But richie riches gonna be pissed lol. Or wait, how does private travel fit into this?!

Or does it not?

14) Biden proposes summit with Putin as he amasses forces on border with Ukraine

Putin’s ego is crushing with no DT pawn piece to run his worldwide game so maybe this meeting and making him feel all important will calm him to not want to invade a neighbor?

Oh wait, dude kills people worldwide with zero fucks but ok. (See: Crimea, Georgia, Navalny.) He’s put an estimated 80,000 troops on border.

He’s acting all the way up. How do we give this dog a bone?

I thought you can’t negotiate with terrorists? Or is that just for movies?

15) Culture moment: Jooleeloren on IG.

She’s just a brilliant talent whose art is playful with a point. I like that combo platter. (The rats are too much for me but it’s her thing and I get it lol.)

16) From the files…Did you see this article last month about the CEO of a major international company (tech, finance, military, aerospace, yeah it’s that nexus) detailing the low amount of women at the company and how he expected women to just wait for progress and has no firm plan to change it? If not, check it…

17) Astrology note of the week: Mystic Medusa

Because astrology is a thing like gravity — I dont know why but it is — and some people know a lot about it why not get that wisdom?! The moon affects the tides and my period and crop growth (I recently learned this.) I dont make the rules here on our planet, but I am suggesting we start looking at all the wisdoms, especially those relegated to witchery and “women stuff” and such.

Power not understood was dismissed (or killed but that’s for another days topic). Thank god we are better than that now. We look at things and then decide, using more than our brain. Well, with Mystic Medusa you will see there’s something to astrology and want to use it.

After all magic is made…And we don’t do coincidences.

This account is wise, on point and humorous; the creatrix knows her astrology and I love learning more than I expected. Writers, artists (Remedios Varo) thinkers, historical incidents and factoids, this site sates in ways beyond astrological insight. The best things always do ;)

Love that…

Be well! And Ramadan Mubarak!



Leah Gillis
The Eye News

Journalist and Astrologer. Passport User, Discourse Haver, Sagittarius. Seeker of the Awesome, Interesting & Notable. Je dig Pizza. Book #1… IG The.Eye.News